Archive for januari, 2023

Sneak Peak on lace structure

31 januari 2023

Me like! Peppy said delighted

Me: Yes, I think the collar could turn out very nice but it could do with a bit more stability in the outer edges. Or I use a thin steel wire for support. Then I could twist and tweak the lace into a nice shape.

Peppy: But a wire may start to rust if you decide to starch or turn the collar into paper. Perhaps using a thicker fishing line will do?

Me: Sun is shining outside I think I will go hunt for a thicker fishing wire. Wish you all a fantastic Tuesday

Sneak Peak on knitting project 30 Jan

30 januari 2023

knitted stitches looking like sea froth

As the stitches is still on my circular twin pin they can not be displayed as intended. I will have to ad some centimetres in height and finish the knitting before I can see what the collar look like. The stitches look in this stage more like a dense ring of Sea Froth than a composted skeletal leafs.

lace knitted object

Good evening

29 januari 2023

Root like lace structure is looking very promising, Peppy cheered.

Me: Yes, it does look promising the lace is 10 cm heigh possibly 1.5- 2m wide. One round takes almost one hour to knit and I have become a fairly fast knitter now. It is still very slow knitting and many many stitches to knit into a twisted skeletal structure.

Peppy: So if the total height of the knitting project is supposed to be 2 meters then you have to knit at least 50 more centimetres. You need to speed up the knitting!

Me: Yes, I will start knitting first thing tomorrow.

Containment Field

27 januari 2023

Aaa, the thread you use for knitting has some bad spun sections. It is releasing short linen fibres in abundance, each stitch 5-8 fibres in range 0.5-2 mm. This is not healthy! Peppy stated. You need a containment field to keep those fibres in check.

light cube used as containment field

New use for my Quantuum Light Cube

This is something I might regret later but to use my light cube as a containment field for fibres seem to work. The lamp warms the air inside the cube and the polyester walls attract and trap the fibres to their surface. Bonus for me I get better light when knitting and less fibre fluff in my studio.

Wish you all a fantastic Friday


25 januari 2023

lacy feel to knitting

I have now so many stitches on my 2.5 mm Circular twin-pin that there is no more room to knit. 2.5 mm is no fun to knit with it one round takes 40 min with this many stitches. This will take forever to knit a collar. I better come up with a new plan perhaps change needle size to something bigger such as 3.5 mm and 5 mm. Hmm

Good Morning Wednesday

25 januari 2023

Sneak Peak on stitches

Changing size

24 januari 2023

Changing Circular Twin-Pin size

As suspected:
Using circular Twin-Pins made the neckline vanished och the knitting project turned into something unshapely with an aura of bad knitting. This might go from bad to worse but I will test changing needle size from 5.5 mm to 2.5 mm and start to knitting random holes and expanding the amount of stitches into something absurd. The experiment will go on. Happy knitting to you all.

Next level on project

24 januari 2023

Finally the foundation is knitted.

Time to start knitting the fun lacy part. It might turn out to be a mistake to collect the stitches for the collar on a circular Twin-Pin but I have to test it. I experimented a little with knitting lace last year and found that knitting crazy lace turned out to be difficult on straight needles if the knitting where to become a round seamless shape.

Knitting experiment from autumn 2022


21 januari 2023

Boken Bondeliv

Äntligen ligger den tryckta boken Bondeliv på mitt skrivbord.

Jag är så glad att jag fick förtroendet att sätta denna intressanta bok om bondelivet i Grubbe och Västerhiske byar, Umeå. Boken omfattar 300 sidor och innehåller 210 bilder i både färg och svartvit. Specielt förtjust är jag i de gamla fotografierna visande traktorer.

Jag vill gärna gärna tipsa om boksläppet som äger rum på Grubbebiblioteket

Datum: Måndag 23 januari
Boksläpp och mingel samt presentation och bildvisning
Tid: kl 18:00- 20:00
Plats: Vardagsrummet


Datum: Onsdag 25 januari
presentation och bildvisning
Tid: kl 15:00-17:00
Plats: Vardagsrummet

För mera information och karta för hur du hittar till Grubbebiblioteket
klicka på bilden neden och du kommer att länkas till sidan om boksläppet på allt om vä

Good Morning

21 januari 2023

one knitted shoulder strap in focus

The right shoulder strap is knitted and mounted on back.

I might just be able to finish the left strap today and then the foundation will be complete. I am looking forward to knit sleeves and the collar.